How are your projects coming? Anyone finish their shopping yet? What about wrapping all those gifts? Have you done any baking yet? I know, I know it can be overwhelming. For some reason though, I just can't get in the mood until I do some decorating. That is what seems to put me in the spirit of the season.
I thought I would show you some of my decorations of what I have done so far. (It is always a work in progress, lol). All of these were without anything Cricut, however, I always keep coming up with ideas so this will probably be updated.
Today I finished decorating the tree. I love to add ribbon and especially bows. This year I decided to do a spiral wrap with the new ribbon I got at Michael's.Here's our tree:
Christmas Blogger Bundle
I thought I would show you some of my decorations of what I have done so far. (It is always a work in progress, lol). All of these were without anything Cricut, however, I always keep coming up with ideas so this will probably be updated.
Today I finished decorating the tree. I love to add ribbon and especially bows. This year I decided to do a spiral wrap with the new ribbon I got at Michael's.Here's our tree:
I used 2 different sizes of sheer ribbon, the larger ribbon for the 2 bows for the tree top and 30 yards of a small size to "wrap" the tree. I also got a co coordinating solid ribbon with the same beautiful gold flourish to make my bows with.
We have a rather odd collection of ornaments but collectively they work! I have a set of the nutcracker blown ornaments my mom gave us when my daughters were dancing in the production. The beautiful Christmas tree frame was a place setting that my daughter Amy used one Christmas Day for Dinner. We each had one so it was quite fancy. I don't know where she gets her party ideas from, lol. I still have some of the red ornaments with the snowflakes left from when my kids were small. Sadly some have gone by the wayside.
I can't believe we still have all 3 of these Santas left! They have a paper mache face and real wool hair and beard.
I have some tapestry balls that are from the Smithsonian Museum Store. Will you just look at the Santa with sunglasses! We have several clay ornaments from the grand children in Florida. Of course I have some snowbabies ornaments. In case you missed it, I have a post on one part of my snowbaby display HERE. Speaking of the Smithsonian Museum Store, my husband and I have been collecting some carousel animals for several years. He really loved these and I thought they were pretty different. While we usually incorporate them on our main tree, this year I decided to give them a tree of their own:
The following pictures will give you a better idea of these unique ornaments.
I thought this was a fun ribbon to use with these decorations. This is a really fun part horse, part mermaid. The gold color details are beautiful in person.
We have a horse and a camel.
We even have a zebra, tiger giraffe and an elephant.
I still have more to do: set up the village, decorate the mantel and oh yah, do some shopping now that I am in the spirit full swing. Let's not forget all those Italian cookies I have to bake!!!
I'll be back with future posts on my ideas. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Chanukah to all my Jewish friends out there.

Beautiful Mary!!
MCCR DT Shelley
Mary those are beautiful ornaments. And you have the same ribbon wrapped around your tree that I do. Love your second tree...I haven't taken a picture of my second tree yet! I need to. Thanks for sharing.
MCCR DT Teresa
Love the second tree!!! I have got to get with it. I still do not have our tree up. I always plan to put it up at Thanksgiving but with classes and work this year it just keeps getting pushed aside. Love your big tree too!
MCCR DT sis.
Interesting post, I enjoyed read this
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